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Spiral Water Technologies
200 Pond Ave., Middlesex, NJ 08846
Contact us
Interested in learning more?
Please contact us or one of our experienced solution providers near you:
Central California:
Ryan Processing Filtration
Phone: 800-839-0670
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina:
Phone: 770-742-3321
Digested Organics
Phone: 844-934-4378
Johnson Screen
Phone: 651-636-3900
Northern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania:
EPS Wastewater
Phone: 513-718-1204
Southern Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana:
Findlow Filtration
Phone: 800-310-6293
Washington State:
Control Factors Filtration
Phone: 425-483-5613
Membrane Process & Control
Phone: 715-352-3206
Quebec, Canada::
Filtr Industries
Phone: 418-832-1415
We’re looking for experienced sales reps, OEMs and system integrators
Spiral Water is looking for experienced, highly motivated representatives, OEMs and system integrators who want to work with a leader in water filtration products and systems.
Are you a self-starter who is knowledgeable about water filtration and concentration products? Are you interested in selling our advanced filtration products and systems to customers in existing and rapidly growing markets from food & beverage processing to renewable natural gas and more?
If so, Spiral Water wants to speak with you!
We offer product and application sales training, sales leads, sales engineering support, payment of commissions/retainers on time, open-ended earnings with additional sales, and more.
- Arizona, Southern California and Oregon
- Iowa, Illinois and Colorado
- Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
- New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
- West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina
- Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas
- Texas and Oklahoma
Contact us at or by phone at 732-629-7553
Our company utilizes a multi-technology approach to take the very contaminated produced and flowback waters associated with fracking activity and clean it to frac re-use standards or to surface discharge quality. We implemented a Spiral Water filter into one of our systems as the initial module to reduce Total Suspended Solids (TSS) before the water was subsequently treated by a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) module, and polished with an Ultrafilter assembly. The SWT filter performed very well, without interruption, in taking a first cut at reducing TSS levels. ”
– Provider of produced water & flowback treatment systems

Free Filtration Audit
Ask us about how Spiral Water’s next generation filters can solve your filtration and separation challenges.
Email us or call 732-629-7553
See what our advanced technology can do for you!