Spiral Water Technologies Introduces New Filtration System For Biogas Production

System is designed to condition feedstocks for higher yield gas production and lower OpEx

Middlesex, New Jersey, December 6, 2023 – Spiral Water Technologies, a leader in advanced automatic self-cleaning filtration and separation, has introduced a new wastewater treatment system for the production of biogas. This system, which integrates the company’s proven technology with specialized process flow conditioning, is in use at several dairy farms around the U.S. As part of a multi-stage separation approach, it has been shown to condition feedstocks for higher yield gas production and lower OpEx.

Biogas results from decomposition of organic matter in anaerobic conditions. This organic matter comes from various sources, including farm animal waste products such as manure. Spiral Water’s products effectively filter this wastewater stream and also concentrate solids, which can then be converted to fertilizer and sold.

Placed before an anaerobic digester, the new Spiral Water system also conditions and optimizes volatile Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) by breaking down deformable solids and making for a more nutrient-rich feedstock liquor that then goes through the specifically selected micron screens to the digester. Depending on the feedstock, with this system the anaerobic digesters are expected to create 10-30 percent more methane in the same footprint in a shorter digestion cycle time.

In addition, because the filters clean mechanically, they also remove non-digestibles from the wastewater stream. By keeping digester tanks cleaner, the filters also help to reduce OpEx.

“Spiral Water systems have proven to be a key component in small and midsized anerobic digestion systems. By effectively removing inorganic non-digestible solids and homogenizing digestible solids, we increase gas production as well as reduce operating costs wasted on removing non-digestible solids from the gas digester. The result is a cleaner, more productive anerobic digester system,” said Gerard J. Lynch, CEO of Spiral Water.

Other benefits include less retention time; no chemicals; lower energy requirements; less maintenance and labor costs than with traditional systems; less CapEx and OpEx than using centrifuges; and the potential for a smaller digester footprint in a newly constructed system.

For more information, visit our website, download our flyer Maximizing Biogas Production, or contact us at info@spiralwater.com.

About Spiral Water Technologies

Spiral Water Technologies develops and markets high performance products for advanced high solids filtration and concentration applications. The company’s award-winning, patented automatic self-cleaning filtration technology delivers superior results while reducing CapEx and OpEx for low Total Lifecycle Cost. Spiral Water products provide breakthrough performance in some of today’s most demanding applications, including water reuse and recovery; pre-filtration for DAF, MBR and RO/UF; industrial water filtration; and concentration of valuable or resalable product from non-hazardous wastewater.

Media Contact:
Ann Seamonds